Simulating Financial Markets with Large Language Models: The TwinMarket Framework

Simulating Financial Markets with Large Language Models: TwinMarket

Predicting and understanding financial markets has always presented a significant challenge. Traditional models often reach their limits because they cannot adequately represent the complexity of human behavior, especially its irrational aspects. A promising approach to overcoming this challenge lies in using large language models (LLMs) to simulate financial markets. One example is TwinMarket, a novel multi-agent framework that uses LLMs to simulate socioeconomic systems.

TwinMarket: A New Approach

TwinMarket enables the simulation of financial markets through the use of LLM-controlled agents that realistically model the behavior of individual investors. These agents consider cognitive biases, social interactions, and emotional influences, which are often neglected in traditional economic models. The framework is based on the Belief-Desire-Intention (BDI) model, which allows agents to perceive information, develop plans, and make decisions within a dynamic trading environment and social network.

From Individual Actions to Emergent Phenomena

Through the simulated interactions and feedback mechanisms within TwinMarket, it becomes clear how individual actions aggregate into collective phenomena. The simulation shows, for example, how the behavior of individual investors can lead to emergent outcomes such as financial bubbles or recessions. This provides valuable insights into the complex interplay between individual decisions at the micro level and socioeconomic patterns at the macro level.

The Importance of LLMs in Socioeconomic Research

The use of LLMs in TwinMarket opens up new possibilities for socioeconomic research. Through their ability to simulate complex human behavior, LLMs can contribute to a deeper understanding of financial markets and other socioeconomic systems. The simulations can be used to investigate the effects of various policy measures, analyze the emergence of crises, and develop strategies for stabilizing markets.

Outlook and Future Research

TwinMarket represents an important step in the development of realistic simulations for financial markets. Future research could focus on improving the scalability of the framework and further refining the modeling of social interactions. The integration of additional data sources, such as news reports or social media activity, could make the simulations even more realistic and contribute to a better understanding of the complex dynamics of financial markets.

The development of tools like TwinMarket underscores the growing potential of AI, and especially LLMs, in the financial and economic world. The ability to realistically simulate human behavior patterns opens up new possibilities for the analysis, prediction, and shaping of financial markets and other complex socioeconomic systems.

Bibliography: Yang, Yuzhe, et al. "TwinMarket: A Scalable Behavioral and Social Simulation for Financial Markets." arXiv preprint arXiv:2502.01506 (2025). "Global Financial Markets: Historical Context and Relationship with Inequalities." ResearchGate. "The Future of Communication Technology." CDTM Trend Report, Summer 2023. "Annual Report 2023-2024." NSE India, Softtech. J. E. Littlewood, “Littlewood's Miscellany”, Cambridge University Press, 1988.